Gho Mala Asla Hawa Cast, Who Are The Cast In Gho Mala Asla Hawa?

Gho Mala Asla Hawa is a Marathi comedy film, directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukthankar. The film was written by Sumitra Bhave (scenario). People eager to find the actor Gho Mala Asla Hawa. Here you can get detailed information about Gho Mala Asla Hawa, which has been listed below in the table, with the name of the character. Along with this information, you can get some additional valuable information about Gho Mala Asla Hawa as follows. For most of them, you can find out who the following Gho Mala Hawa players are, which have been listed below in the table, with the name of the character.

Gho Mala Asla Hawa Cast

The story and script of the author can be made real only through a particular cast or film. People eager to find the actor Gho Mala Asla Hawa. Here you can get detailed information about the actor of Gho Mala Asla Hawa, with the name of the character, which has been listed below in the table. Along with this information, you can get additional information related to GHO Mala Asla Hawa as follows. For most of them, you can find out who Gho Mala Asla Hawa is.

Cast Name Character Name
Mohan Agashe Anna
Radhika Apte Savitri
Omkar Govardhan Madhu
Vidula Javalgekar Thorli Mai
Neena Kulkarni Savitri’s mother
Reema Lagoo Dagdabai
Sharvari Lokhare Shanti
Ravindra Mankani Savitri’s father
Shriram Ranade Jingya Bhau
Nikhil Ratnaparkhi Bopya / Mhasobarao
Jyoti Subhash Vahini Bai

Gho Mala Asla Hawa Cast

Mohan Agashe

Radhika Apte
Neena KulkarniReema Lagoo

Gho Mala Asla Hawa Crew

The main pillar, which works physically and mentally and which brings the script into the video and makes the viewers interested are the crew. Here you can get detailed information about the Gho Mala Hawa crew as follows, which has been listed below in the table. After that, you can get the story of Gho Mala Asla Eve.

Gho Mala Asla Hawa Crew Details
Developed by Sumitra Bhave

Sunil Sukthankar

Writer(screenplay) Sumitra Bhave
Production Management Dinesh Mapari
Cinematography Sanjay Memane

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