Doctor Doctor is the upcoming Marathi film consisting of two friends, Keshav and Pushkar. They both joined the medical college, and their crazy journey began with comedy or mistakes. This is a film that describes their friendship, how they pass through their college, along with some hot things, which cannot be explained. I suggest you go and watch your own movie. It is being channeled on the OTT platform. The film Doctor Doctor Marathi is being released on October 30.
Doctor Doctor Marathi Movie Cast
Prathamesh Parab- Lead Actor
Parth Bhalerao- Lead Actor
Ramesh Pardesi
Devendra Gaikwand
Pritam Kagne
Amol Kagne
Priyanka Shivarkar
Shruthi Shetty
Vinod Khedkar
Siddheshwar Zadbuke
Pritam S.K. Patil – Director
Doctor Doctor Marathi Movie- Streamed in which platform
The film Doctor Doctor Marathi will be channeled on the online platform, which is an OTT platform. Streaming the Over-The-Top Media Service (OTT) is offered directly to viewers via the internet. This will be flowed on the Zeeplex platform.
Doctor Doctor Marathi Movie Trailer
This is the trailer for the film Doctor Doctor Marathi. Enjoy!